


July 13, 2015|

 This past weekend we launched our nonprofit. Surrounded by close friends and family, we shared our hearts and  vision for the shelter.  We've been taking some pretty big steps towards opening its doors for the past six months however this past weekend has made it frighteningly real. While we are [...]

Ready or not….here we go!

December 10, 2014|

So  we've had this dream.  A dream that was only discussed on long road trips or occasional date nights.  We didn't tell anyone our dream for fear that if too many people knew, it would force us to do something to make it become a reality.  And that would be [...]

I’m wrecking my kids. And I couldn’t be happier

November 4, 2014|

A common fear among foster parents and soon to be foster parents is how the decision will affect their children.   They worry about the damage that could be done.  How possible bad behaviors of the incoming children will or could affect the current children in the home.  After giving [...]

I Could Never…

October 1, 2014|

When people find out I am a foster parent, the number one response I get is, "I could never do that.  I would love them too much and I would die if they were taken from me.  How can you possibly do that?" To be honest, I feel the exact [...]

Mama Bear

September 12, 2014|

Last Thursday, the most beautiful 6 week old baby girl was delivered to our home.  She has fair skin, dark blue eyes, and dark brown hair that sticks straight in the air.  The boys took one look at her and nicknamed her "Rockstar".  She is perfection.  By far, our easiest [...]

Not What I Wanted to Hear

August 21, 2014|

She's been gone for a month.  Not a day goes by that we don't think about her.  She left after just two weeks with us on her two week birthday.  She was returned to the arms that failed to protect her.  As the social worker was picking her up to [...]

A Family Grown, a Family Broken

August 13, 2014|

I wrote this post a couple of months ago. I am one of the contributors for a women's blog, and wrote this shortly after we signed our daughter's adoption paperwork. Her adoption will be finalized Tuesday (!), so I thought it'd be fitting to repost it on here. A couple of [...]

The Midnight Delivery

August 10, 2014|

He was supposed to be delivered at 8. We raced home from a BBQ, speed-cleaned the house and bathed the kids. They were (as they always are when we get a new baby) giddy with excitement. We promised the kids that if they behaved, they could stay up until the [...]

The Unexpected Guest

July 23, 2014|

We were supposed to be taking a week off from shelter care. We had back to back out of state trips planned, and we thought it would be best if we didn't take a baby and then request to have to have it moved because we were going out of [...]

Short stay in our home, but forever in our hearts

July 22, 2014|

Big brown eyes and wild curly hair. He came to us straight from the hospital. Not because he had just been born, but because he had suffered injury at the hands of the woman that was supposed to love and care for him. He was just two months old and [...]

The Call

July 11, 2014|

I had just finished cleaning up dinner. Keith was at his cross country practice, and the kids had asked to watch a movie before bed. I settled in to watch it with them when the phone rang. A number from Pomona that I didn't recognize. "Is this Michelle?" The woman [...]

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