Located at 1030 La Bonita Suite 334, San Marcos 92078

At our center, families receive support through; court approved trainings, clinician led support groups, middle school tutoring, monitored visitations, and tangible supplies.  Monthly community events are held at our resource center to support the community, create connections, and build bridges.

Foster and Kinship families receive supplies for each child they welcome into their home, basic necessities are given to aging out foster youth or teen mom foster youth, and tangible emergency needs are filled for social workers, casas and reunifying families.


Located at 1035 South Garey Ave. Pomona, 91766 in Southern California. At our center, families receive support through; court approved trainings, clinician led support groups, tutoring, monitored visitations, and tangible supplies. We partner with local child welfare agencies to serve as a visitation center for families and their children in a calm and therapeutic environment.

Foster and Kinship families receive supplies for each child they welcome into their home, basic necessities are given to aging out foster youth or teen mom foster youth, tutoring services are provided by credentialed teachers, and tangible emergency needs are filled for social workers and reunifying families.

If you are a social worker, CASA, kinship or foster parent, please use the form below to request brand new supplies (diapers, wipes,car seats, and portable cribs) or placement kits for the new child in your care.

Baby Shower

If you are a social worker, foster parent, CASA or reunifying parent and would like to use one of our resource centers for your court ordered visitation, please fill out the request form below and someone will be in contact with you soon.

Los Angeles County site

Pomona, Ca

San Diego County site

San Marcos, Ca